In this video, John Moroney explains why many homeowners are replacing their existing water heaters with tankless electric heaters.
If you haven’t recently replaced your water heater, I have a couple of things you might want to consider. First is we’re doing more and more tankless water heater installs every day, and the thought process is on a conventional water heater, you’re boiling water throughout the day, all day and all night long, for the one moment when you’re going to take a shower and you finally need it.
Think if you wanted a cup of tea, you wouldn’t start out with a cauldron of water and boil it all day so that when you came home at night and you wanted to have the cup of tea, now you take the water out of the cauldron. With a tankless, you’re heating the water just when you need it, so it’s much more efficient. Some other things to consider is that water heaters, particularly the older ones, the tanked ones, as they’re storing their water, all mechanical systems eventually wear out and fail. You want to change the water heater before it fails, so there’s less mess to it.
The other thing with the water heaters and why people are changing them is a lot of people are getting off fossil based fuels, propane or gas, and even natural gas, and especially oil, getting off those. So we’re replacing their heating systems with these high efficiency mini-splits, but then we’re installing electric water heaters so that they can take hot showers as well.
These water heaters are all available for the tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act. The other thing is when we come out to talk to you about water heaters, we also test the water because if your water is acidic or has a lot of sediment in it wears the water heater out faster. It causes the water heater to break down. It’s also not the best thing to be drinking as well. So with the install of a water heater, we often times add some additional water filtration products, so it extends the life of the water heater and it’s also better for you and your family.