Refrigerants are liquid chemical agents that simultaneously cool and dehumidify indoor air. Flowing through the coils inside your air conditioner, they are what make modern air conditioning possible. For decades, the HVAC industry standard refrigerant was a type of ozone depleting hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) known as R-22 or “Freon.” However, in September of 2007, the United States and approximately 200 other countries signed the Montreal Protocol, a pact to phase out the use of HCFCs like R-22. This pact paved the way for the emergence of the cleaner, greener R-410A as the “refrigerant of the future.” R-410A is recognized by the EPA as ozone-friendly. Although it still contains elements of Freon, R-410A has significantly less impact on the environment than its predecessors. Unlike R-22 and other similar compounds, which contained harmful chemicals like chlorine and bromine, R-410A contains only fluorine. According to the EPA, fluorine does not contribute to ozone deterioration.
Upgrading your current air conditioning system now to one that supports R-410A will put you ahead of the game. New R-410A supported air conditioning systems are more reliable and quieter than older models with improved dehumidification capabilities and enhanced heat pump performance. With the allowed use of ozone depleting refrigerants being phased out, R-22 will become increasingly scarce and therefore more expensive to recharge your old Freon reliant system in the coming years. In fact, by 2020, all production and distribution of Freon will cease completely
Here are a few misconceptions about R-410A that are worth learning about before you decide to keep your old Freon air conditioner in place:
- R-410A will cost much more than R-22. False.
- Like any new product, initial manufacturing costs are somewhat high. However, with the EPA mandated deadlines approaching, the price of R-410A will come down as the price of R-22 rises due to scarcity.
- R-410A is new technology so it’s smarter to wait to buy. False.
- In fact, air conditioners that use R-410A have been in use since the mid 90s, so the technology is only new to people who haven’t heard of it.
- R-410A air conditioners are prone to breaking down more often. False.
- The new technology used in R-410A systems are built with a heavier gauge metal to provide heavy duty operation. The tougher metal reduces equipment damaging vibrations and also eliminates much of the rattle and hum noises you get with older air conditioners.
- R-410A equipment is unsafe. False.
- There are currently more than a million R-410A air conditioners operating across the globe. There is nearly a decade of field testing and product reviews that report there is no evidence suggesting R-22 systems are any safer. New R-410A systems are meticulously tested by their manufacturers as well as independent safety testing laboratories before they are made available for purchase.
Since the days of R-22 ruling the roost, HVAC technology has become more powerful and more energy efficient by leaps and bounds. Upgrading to a new R-410A air conditioning system would help to minimize your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bill, while you enjoy the benefits of a state of the art air conditioner. Now that you know the facts, call Jones Services today to upgrade to an air conditioning solution that is friendly to you, your environment and your wallet.